ISFS610: Payment Processes And Technology
Funds Transfer
Process Flow
Step 1: Charge Rule Creation
Enter CFDICCFR in fastpath and input the following fields.
Rule ID: Provide a rule ID of your choice.
Branch Restrictions: Click 'Disallow'
Description: Enter a relevant description to create the charge rule.
Click Save
The record will get saved. Please provide the screenshot of it.
Note down the rule ID created in this step. You will be using it in the next while maintaining the charge rule.
Access link using the credentials provided to you.
A charge or fee is a payment that banks levy on customers in exchange for advices or services rendered by the bank. In Funds Transfer (FT), charge rule creation is performed to charge a fee for transferring funds.
Step 2: Charge Rule Maintenance
Enter CFDRUMNT in fastpath and enter the following fields.
Rule Type: Charge/Fees
Transaction Currency: ALL
Branch Code: ALL
Rule ID: Enter the Rule ID which you provided while creating Charge Rule. (CFDICCFR Screen)
Customer Group: ALL
Customer: ALL
Check the checkbox "Tenor Basis" and uncheck "Tiered Amount"
Check the checkbox "As per contract currency"
Basis Amount Currency: PHP
Charge Currency: PHP
Move to "Tenor Details"
Add a record in "Bracket Tenor" by clicking "+" symbol.
Basis Amount To: 999,999,999,999
Flat CCF Amount: 5
Add a record in "Tenor Based Rates" by clicking "+" symbol.
Tenor From: 0
Tenor To: 9999
Flat Amount: 5
Click Save
The record will get saved. Please provide the screenshot of it.
A charge rule is built with the logic to calculate a specific type of charge component. In other words, the attributes for the rule must be defined in the ‘Interest Charge Commission Fee’ Rule screen.
Step 3: Charge Class Maintenance
Enter CFDOCHCL in fastpath and input the follwoing fields.
Class Code: Provide a rule ID of your choice.
Description: Enter a relevant description for class code.
Module: FT
Rule ID: Provide the same rule ID that you created in CFDICCFR screen.
Component Description: Enter a relevant description for class code creation.
Amount Type: TFR_AMT
Settlement Currency: PHP
Category: Normal
Event: Book
Click Save
The record will get saved. Please provide the screenshot of it.
Note: While performing reversal, repeat Charge Rule creation, Charge Rule maintenance and Charge Class maintenance for creating an entry for Reversal Charge.
Make sure that the right charge fee is included.
A class is a specific type of component that you can build with certain attributes. You can build a charge class, for instance, with the attributes of a specific type of charge, such as 'Charges for amending the terms of a transaction', or 'Charges for provision of services'. To recall, a charge rule is built to calculate a specific type of charge component.
Step 4: Product Creation
Enter FTDPRMNT in the field at the top right corner of the application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.
Input the following fields.
Product Code: Enter a 4 character product code of your choice.
Product Description: Provide a relevant description
Product Type: N
Slogan: Internal Funds Transfer
Product Group: FTINT
Start Date: 09/30/2011
Remarks: Provide a relevant remarks to create a fund transfer product.
Click "Accounting Roles" tab
Click + to add a record
Accounting Role: Choose the class code that you created followed by INC. Eg: If your class code is FTCLASS then you have to choose FTCLASSINC.
Account Head: 433000000
Click OK
Click "Events" tab
Click "+" symbol to add events described below:
Include 'Accounting Entries' and 'Advices' for those the event INIT. Refer to the snapshot.
(Make sure you input your class code in accounting role and amount tag. The screeshot is only for reference)
Click "Preferences" tab
Rate Type: Standard
Rate As Of: Value
Other Preferences: Check the checkboxes "Future Value Allowed" and "Cross Currency Allowed"
Charge Details: Check the checkbox "Allow change in contract"
Back Value Details: Check the checkboxes "Dr Back Valuation Check Required" and "Cr Back Valuation Check Required"
Dr Back Value Days: 360
Cr Back Value Days: 360
Under Rate Variance, Override Limit: 3
Maximum Limit: 100
Rekey Required: No
Duplication Recognition: Check the checkboxes Product Code, Dr Value Date, Dr Amount
Click Ok
Click 'Branch Currency' tab
Choose 'Allowed' in 'Currency Restrictions'
Click "+" to add a new record in 'Currency' column
Under 'Currency Code', choose PHP
Click Ok
Click "Charges" tab
Click "+" to add a new record
Component: Choose the Rule ID that you initially created
Click OK
Click Save
Few warnings will be displayed. Click Ok. The record will get saved and authorized. Please provide the screenshot of it.
For any product a user creates, the general attributes of it such as the branch, currency, customer restrictions and so on has to be defined. Those are done in product creation.
This is the screen where you mention the parties and the amount to be transferred.
Step 5: Contract Creation
Choose Branch 007 and enter FTDTRONL in fastpath.
Input the following fields.
Click New
Enter the product code that you created and click "P"
Debit Amount: As per business case
Credit Amount: As per business case
Debit Account: Choose the account number provided to you
Credit Account: Choose the account number provided to you
Click Save
Few warnings will be displayed. Click Ok. The record will get saved.
Note down the Contract Reference Number.
Step 6: Contract Authorization
Login as a supervisor or checker to authorize the transaction. (Credentials would have been provided to you)
Choose Branch 007
Enter FTDTRONL in fastpath.
Click Enter Query.
Input the contract reference number.
Click Execute Query.
Click Authorize.
In the Authorize window, check "Generate Message" and click Authorize.
Provide the screenshot of it.
For business case 2, after authorizing the transaction reverse the transaction and authorize it.
Perform the reversal steps as explained in the reversal steps.
After performing the reversal steps, create a new contract with the same debit account number but the correct credit account number which is credit account number 2 as per the credentials and account details provided to you.
Step 7: Checking Customer Balance
Enter STDCUSBL in fastpath.
Input the following fields.
Branch Code: 007
Account Number: Enter the account number from which the amount was debited.
Under transactions, you will see the amount debited along with the transaction fee
Do the same for credit account number, too!
Provide a screenshot of it.
After performing reversal action, check the account balances of both parties and provide a screenshot to show the reversal charge and the amount being credited back to the debit account number.
In otherwords, provide screenshot of both credit and debit accounts before and after reversal.
Steps to perform reversal:
The following are intended to be performed only for business case 2 where a reversal is required. Perform the following steps after authorizing the contract.
Step 1:
Use the same charge rule that you created for Business Case #1. But create a new charge for reversal action.
Step 2:
Perform rule maintenance for the reversal charge similar to the charge rule maintenance that you created for Business Case #1. Make sure you mention the right fee for reversal action.
Step 3:
Create a class code for the reversal charge.
Step 4:
Go to FTDPRMNT screen. Click 'Enter Query'. Type your product name for business scenario 2 that you created. Click 'Execute Query'. Update the product by clicking 'Unlock' button and perform the steps below.
Create a record for reversal class code in ‘Accounting Roles’ tab. Choose any ‘Account Head’. Refer to the screenshot below for your reference.
Create an accounting entry for reversal class code in ‘Events’ tab for the Event Code ‘REVR’.
- In Charges tab, add the reversal class code apart from the funds transfer fee charge as well.
Create a new contract with debit account number and right credit account number which is account (2). Provide the screenshots in customer balance account of debit account and credit account numbers 1 and 2 by highlighting the account balances, reversal action and charges.
Note: The screenshots and demo are just for your reference. Please do not input the same values as shown in screenshot and demo.